Day 33 Kochi to Tokusima

16.5.2022 (Mon)

Today’s start from Muroto cape.

Statue of famous Sumurai.

His name is Shintaro Nakaoka.

You can walk along the promenade by road.

I haven’t any time so, I couldn’t walk.

Japanese class room.

These plastic bags were came out of sea turtle’s stomach so, we have to think about trash.

Kochi to Tokusima.

This road was almost flat so easy to ride today.

Day 22 just ride.

5.5.2022 (Thu)

I started at 10:30 am and 1 hour later, I came Hamada city.

A lot of people were wanting for come a train.

I eat Sasimi with rice.

Really delicious.

The red roof building is aquarium, I wanted to visit it however I gave up for some reasons.

The beach is in front of aquarium.

Day 23 Izumo

6.5.2022 (Fri)

When I got up in the morning, I investigated about price.

However, the museum is closed today so, I have to go to Izumo as soon as possible.

I sow emus in Au.

I’ve arrived.

Day 25 to Okayama.

8.5.2022 (Sun)

I started at 6 am from Tottori city.

Then I discovered a cassette.

Such a good view!

Tottori to Okayama.

Some vending machines were didn’t work.

I entered in Tuyama city.

Day 26 to Hiroshima

9.5.2022 (Mon)

I started at 5:30 am.

I arrived Bikantiku and there almost no people so I cloud take lot of pictures.

I departed Bikanntiku and many many times later I arrived Kasaoka city.

Finally I arrived in Hiroshima.