Day 22 just ride.

5.5.2022 (Thu)

I started at 10:30 am and 1 hour later, I came Hamada city.

A lot of people were wanting for come a train.

I eat Sasimi with rice.

Really delicious.

The red roof building is aquarium, I wanted to visit it however I gave up for some reasons.

The beach is in front of aquarium.

Day 23 Izumo

6.5.2022 (Fri)

When I got up in the morning, I investigated about price.

However, the museum is closed today so, I have to go to Izumo as soon as possible.

I sow emus in Au.

I’ve arrived.

Day 25 to Okayama.

8.5.2022 (Sun)

I started at 6 am from Tottori city.

Then I discovered a cassette.

Such a good view!

Tottori to Okayama.

Some vending machines were didn’t work.

I entered in Tuyama city.

Day 26 to Hiroshima

9.5.2022 (Mon)

I started at 5:30 am.

I arrived Bikantiku and there almost no people so I cloud take lot of pictures.

I departed Bikanntiku and many many times later I arrived Kasaoka city.

Finally I arrived in Hiroshima.