10.5.2022 (Tue)
There’s The cyclists’ sanctuary, actually I’m not cyclist but just go there.
Here is the cyclists’ sanctuary.
10.5.2022 (Tue)
There’s The cyclists’ sanctuary, actually I’m not cyclist but just go there.
Here is the cyclists’ sanctuary.
11.5.2022 (Wed)
I couldn’t won the weather, so I eat noodles.
I discovered route 222.
Too far…it takes 3 days.
There were old houses, and good looking however almost shops were closed.
Because of COVID-19.
12.5.2022 (Thu)
I entered in Kochi.
I already get wet.
It was really hard day.
13.5.2022 (Fri)
14.5.2022 (Sat)
I bought in Syoudosima however I’ve lost one.
15.5.2022 (Sun)
When I took the bridge photos suddenly began rain.
Almost shops were closed.
However It’ll be renewal in autumn.
This is the statue of Ryouma Sakamoto, he’s famous samurai in Japan.
It was good location but not good weather.
16.5.2022 (Mon)
Today’s start from Muroto cape.
Statue of famous Sumurai.
His name is Shintaro Nakaoka.
You can walk along the promenade by road.
I haven’t any time so, I couldn’t walk.
Japanese class room.
These plastic bags were came out of sea turtle’s stomach so, we have to think about trash.
Kochi to Tokusima.
This road was almost flat so easy to ride today.
17.5.2022 (Tue)
I went to sea turtle museum.
I carried on it.
It was quite heavy (6kg).
They were born in August 2021.
18.5.2022 (Wed)
I wanted to go to Uzu no michi.
The Naruto bridge.
I arrived here.
I couldn’t see a swirl.
That’s why high tide.
When we could see a swirl need high tide.
I entered in Kagawa.